
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find articles, music, photos and humour, some of my own, and some I wish to share. I hope you enjoy these postings and return often to my site to catch up on what's new, and take advantage of the interesting freebies that will be provided from time to time. Leave a comment or share if you like.


Articles & Humour | Music | Photos

Visual Artist Statement

Just as I begin most musical compositions improvising at the keyboard until I find an idea I can expand upon, I begin most visual art works without a plan, sketching randomly with a pencil, often with my eyes closed. Then…

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Poem in English and French 


When winter nips our noses, frozen fingers thaw from frost, 
In vain we cry, “Oh summer, how were your warm days lost.” 
Then summer with its stifling heat returns to parch our throats, 
And we can't wait till winter…

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Invitation to Vancouver

Come and see the rain, 
Your trip won't be in vain. 
Morning, noon or night, 
Enjoy the soggy sight. 
And for variety for some hours, 
The rain will turn to showers!

A Madman's Tale

To live from day to day is just a coward's way, 
When hopes begin to fall, the time has come to end it all. 
For should your life become a bore, when waking means just one day more, 
Of treasured…

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The King's New Dictionary


( An Adult Fairy Tale ) 

Once upon a time in the medieval kingdom of Foffdan, the King had a dream. And lo, in the dream, a great wizard appeared before him and cautioned…

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